Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

Hello Sean;

I just wanted to say Thank God, truly, that there are still people like you willing to give and work on behalf of all of us. I'm still in ACIM infancy stage (who knows if I'll ever leave it?) and I can't tell you how reassuring it is to see you, up ahead on the path, holding a lantern and beckoning us forward.

Heartfelt Blessings to you & yours;


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Thank you for this beautiful and meaningful reflection. I have been wrestling with so many questions that lead to the one question... and then wondering if the question is even relevant! I intuit that we are simply all pieces of one whole in some way or the other. That gives me enough of a starting point to know that we need to love ourselves and others as unconditionally as possible in every circumstance. Haven't gotten much past that. And I like the being patient and still. I think that's hard for most of us but it is sage advice indeed. The way out comes if we just stop and listen. So simple and so difficult for those of us dealing with daily drama, trying to find solutions "out there" and not searching within. Have a wonderful week!

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Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

Good morning Sean,

Just wanted to let you know how much I “needed” these words this morning as I wrest with the illusion of control in an unfolding situation. Thank you. I hope you and your family are well.



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Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

There's a beautiful song 'my missing peace ',and one of the lyrics is I'm searching for answers but all I really need is peace , is so true ,I recommend a listen ,thankyou for your gifts of wisdom

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This post really hit me today. The past week has been stressful with a move and I really related to: "The first rule of lost is, don't panic. The second is, be still." Yes, indeed. Thank you, Sean. Your posts are great reminders to me on my path with the Course.

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Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

I don't know what I am, and I'm okay with that, at least for now. Impatience will probably return periodically. Mostly, these days,I feel as if I'm in a lucid dream, albeit not the way it's usually defined. One of the benefits of lucid dreams, supposedly, is control. I've read that in a lucid dream I can do anything I want to do, control everything. That's supposed to be a good thing, but how is that different from ego living? In the nighttime dreaming state, I've had only one lucid dream in my life, but the hilarious result was that I woke up to know I was dreaming and then couldn't think of a single thing to do!! Now I realize I'm fine with living in a lucid dream, but the last thing I want is control over anything beyond remembering to say, "Whatever you want me to do or say today, I will do and say. Whatever you don't want me to do or say, I won't do or say." In other words, Thy Will Be Done. And then I get to be aware of whatever that that turns out to be today. This, apparently, for starters. : )

What a beautiful piece of writing and thought, Sean. Thank you so much..

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Apr 18Liked by Sean Reagan


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Apr 17Liked by Sean Reagan

It feels like believing I'm seperate and problems arise together, like two words for the same thing... it feels like problems are the activity of separation ... when I'm seperate I feel godless.

I really liked your post, and the exercises.


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What am I? Well I am nothing, or at least nothing other than Love. The Course says we have no problems, that all our problems have been solved. Without problems what am I ? I can ever be only Love, Love is all there is.

We can play in the play but the important thing is to know the Truth, that it is only ever a play, and the only true reality is Love. I am Love, you are Love all the rest is simply the ego at play. When you stop playing for even a moment, then you are with Love, with God, in the stillness of Truth.

So yes sit in stillness and remember yourself, remember the Truth of Love and know you are never apart from what you really are, simply Love.

A very thought provoking post today Sean, Thank You as Always, Suzy xxx

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Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

wow Sean - masterful! You have a gift! Thank you for taking the time to share your insights - for me what you said about complete emptying and having no a priori assumptions about what the answers to anything is is perfect. Can I really trust? Can I become a little child and look at the world with innocence and release my wounded scared lost view of the world? Absolutely I cannot without friends and mentors and guides - thank you for being that!


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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Sean Reagan

Absolutely brilliant, and just what I needed to hear this morning. So clear, and helpful. Thank you as always for sharing your gift Sean ! 🙏

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