Feb 1, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

I ran across "Wetiko" the mind virus of separation. Sounds like ego to me. Anyway, is there ego in the different beautiful flowerings of Nature. Being the same is comforting, peaceful but what kind of variety would escape ego?

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Hi Sydney,

It's nice to hear from you. I hope all is well.

The appearance of variety - the beautiful wildflowers, constellations swirling in the night sky, chickadees in the winter lilac etc - isn't a problem. It doesn't have to be solved, understood, appreciated, or anything.

The problem is the value we attach to the appearance. The valuation - this is beautiful, this is less so - always arises as function of a split mind. We forget that we're gazing at our own self and think we're gazing at flowers or stars, and that the flowers are stars are "out there."

In ACIM terms, when the beauty and variety is viewed with the Holy Spirit as our teacher, then it gently guides us to the understanding that we (you, me, the stars, the flowers) do not have separate interests and that this absence of separate interests reflects our unity in Creation. We all share an interest in remembering this and - again, through the lens of the Holy Spirit - everything is given TO remind us of it.

When the beauty and variety is seen through the distorting lens of ego, it becomes a means of doubling down on separation and suffering - this is lovely, this is not, I have to work for more of this and less of that, et cetera. We get defensive, protective, evasive, argumentative.

When the split mind is healed, there is no ego. The appearances then can come and go as they please - including the appearance of separate selves housed in separate bodies leading separate lives. No more Sean, no more Sydney! Instead, there are simply reminders of Love. And we are happy and grateful to be in the presence of so many perfect symbols of oneness and holiness!

I hope all is well Sydney.

~ Sean

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Well, I read this again. And I got it. I got it. What you say feels true. Such immense love...I feel now and peace...no words anymore.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

When I was younger I had no problem being the people around me as if I were them and then being me almost like we were one being anyway but offering different flavors and experiences. But then the dog eat dog and the ego judgments we all had separated us. I feel something beginning to crack...like I'm an egg and the shell is cracking a little. I will have to let your words just sit with me for awhile and see what happens.

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I wish I could look at a corpse or road kill and be able to find it not yucky or revolting but just a part of me, us...wow...that would truly be free-ing!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Sama Sama ... same same.

Abide as Love. Always.

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