Sean im so glad to hear this,it's just where I am right now. Either god is everything or is nothing this is the choice we have to make. Really make! Not delude ourselves into believing that we have made it as i have done many times. Thank you Sean for been. I was concerned about your health

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Ah Sean. Once again your wisdom is right on time and right on target. Yesterday, for some moments in time, I forgot my daughter's attack was a call for love. In the midst of my trying to be reasonable, I realized - Stop. Breathe. Accept the things I cannot change. I let go to let Him teach me to heal. In Its time. Not mine. My ego's voice is weaker. I still need the reminder of your words this morning. πŸ™

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you for this essay that is timely all the time! I think the Course's teaching on attack is so radical and wonderful. For anyone who wants to persue this topic the easy way, just follow this link to a free online Course in Miracles Concordence: https://acim.org/acim/text/introduction/en/s/51

When you get there, put the word "attack" into its search mechanism (the little "spy glass in the upper left corner of the page). Many, many references to attack will pop up and each one is a link to a fuller discussion.

Thank you for the inspiration, Sean.

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Nov 6, 2023Β·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean, your words are so precisely going into those dark corners and cavities of my mind helping to expose and they’re also taking the remedy with them to heal those dark patterns. I wanted to share that I often completely forget that seeing the call for love also applies to everything we perceive in our own false identity as well. Everything I perceive in the egoic mind and feel guilty about is also call for love. This gives me a sense of relief and compassion towards myself. So instead of trying to fight or discipline the dark patterns in the mind or letting ego beat me with whispering the guilt, I need recognise they are all call for love and ask for Help to be healed. Thank you again for your service to help us remember πŸ™πŸ™

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I want the gift that ends all conflict! I want awareness! And above all, I want peace!

This is such a beautiful reminder that everythingβ€”everything that happens in a day, an hour, a momentβ€”can be seen through the lens of love if we choose it.

How I might see this lesson as a practice is to recognize the hit to my ego (so easy to feel as negative emotion in my body, so challenging to not be hijacked by it) and see my cry for love which leads me directly to my function: salvation and forgiveness. I can remember to forgive myself for believing that I can be attacked. In other words, I can get out of the way and make room for God’s Will which is my own. I’m so grateful that the Holy Spirit guides us specifically, gently, and lovingly to truth where miracles happen dailyβ€”the world is shimmering with miracles!β€”and I can choose to love from the truth and remembrance of love that we ALL share.

Thank you, Sean for always pointing to truth, for challenging us toward application and for helping me understand the real meaning of Love.

I am so very grateful.


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Thank you Sean, I need to re-read this every day for a week to really let it sink deeply into my mind. Thank you for reminding me to remind myself of this truth, Love Suzy xxx

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Sean, the fresh breeze that blows away clouds and leaves remembrance of what I want and have the tools given to me…thank you!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thanks for this Sean, you strike a cord that plays into our moment by moment life experiences, serving as a helpful reminder to β€œlet go, let God”.

We humans are per perfect, just not complete.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean for your gifts of love via articles that give me strength and redirect my attention over and over again to the fact that only Love is Real. I experienced the tyranny of the ego this week in wanting to be right over the tiniest of thing of no importance, yet for the ego it was full on war. Thank God I did not act out the ego's attack, but definitely felt the inner disturbance.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean. 😊

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean. You capture and share these ideas so clearly for us. Appreciate this read this morning!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Yes! Jesus offers us peace...always. Living without conflict, without argument within or without, without worry...ah-h peace!

By the way, the ladder symbolizes the kundalini. Remember Jacob's ladder resting upon the earth with the angels ascending and descending between heaven and earth. That phenomenon resides within each of us.

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