Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

"The point is to refuse to ask our brothers and sisters to sacrifice their happiness and inner peace by bearing the burden of our fear. " This is, to me a perfect description of projection.Yesterday, I read an advice column about a mom who is constantly, tearfully sad that her grown daughter will be tragically lonely and unhappy if she doesn't find a mate. The daughter, on the other hand, according to the mom, has lots of friends, a job she likes, and she loves her life as it is and doesn't want a mate, at least not now. ACIM has taught me to see that it may be the mom who is lonely, sad and frightened. Unable to face that in herself, she may be projecting it onto her happy and peaceful daughter, thus trying to pass onto the daughter the mom's own burden of loneliness and fear. You say these things so clearly, Sean. I am grateful for this Christmas gift of your clean, clear writing.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean. I will hold all of us in love, in light, in all of us today and every day. Please do so for me in you and in all of you. Thank you all.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Let us all choose again!!! We live in the world we choose. Is Gaza real? Is world peace real?

The God of Abraham "who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not yet exist" is asking us to look through the veil and claim what is real and recognize the lie.

Thanks Sean - may Christ more richly direct each of us as we listen attentively.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean. May we all recognize the Prince of Peace and accept his gift and extend it outward. Amen

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean. What a beautiful reminder. We are all hosts of His light. When I simply allow myself to think and act as Host and vessel to LOVE , I briefly remember that nothing else exists. It's not a trait yet, but at least it's becoming a familiar state these days. Your posts and community are helping us all grow. We humbly begin again. We express the love that we are on this special day and pray to remember nothing else exists tomorrow.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

The slaughter before our eyes on Gaza..it's terrible for me..but thank you for a great Christmas message reminder

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

In the midst of the struggle to remember peace and joy, I will think of us as what we are: One.

Thank you Sean🙏🙏

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan


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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you 🙏

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan


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Hi Sean

We are closer than ever. We are more willing and confident than we ever been. The angels are nearer and Jesus our Master brother is holding ours hands.

Let's celebrate every more saying and believing that The Son of God was born with me. We are safe, we are in glory and Our Father loves us eternity.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thanks for this beautiful reflection, Sean. Even as violence in the world (especially Gaza) breaks my heart, it is comforting to find Love there, too. This sentence -- "Let no despair darken the joy of Christmas, for the time of Christ is meaningless apart from joy" (T-15.XI.8:1-2) -- took my breath away this morning. It reminded me of the many years I wore sadness as a badge of awareness of suffering in the world. Habits are hard to break, but ACIM is helping me get my arms around all of it -- both the ultimately "unreal" world-pain and the "Real" Christ-joy. Thanks for all you share; it really helps. I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Lovely - thank you for this.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you Sean for the reminder " Peace On Earth Begins Within"...can't hear it enough. I have had many lessons recently showing me that as I shift the inner, the outer somehow is different, even when nothing changes.

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Thank you Sean, this post was perfect for today.

"The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness. See it not outside yourself, but shining in the Heaven within, and accept it as the sign the time of Christ has come (T-15.XI.2:1-2)." You shine that light and remind all of us, that it is within us always with everything you write.

Love + Blessings Suzy xxx

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

That we are. Thank you.

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