Apr 18, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

When I neglect, abuse my body…this ego-mind is even more difficult to disarm. Lately I have been presented with epiphanies that if I clean up my diet, my quality of life will reflect the change. I have paid little attention to my physical health since jumping on this ACIM runaway train. Though I am not this body, it is my sort of vehicle to navigate the human game…seeking reasonable balance between what I eat and what I think about what I eat? Something. I am grateful for a new path, a path where peace, calm, quiet, and love dominate…qualities once so rare and misunderstood.

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Thanks Carl. I too find the ACIM path orders of magnitude more peaceful and loving - and helpful in terms of allowing me to be in relationship with those qualities in my day-to-day living.

The Course is clear that we aren't supposed to deny or ignore the body. It just wants to remind us that we are NOT the body. But not being a body is not synonymous with abuse or ignore the body. It's not a reason to denigrate the body - ours or anybody else's.

Self-care matters! Eating healthy food and exercising and resting - and helping other bodies do so as well - are expressions of love. It's really a question of cause-and-effect. The Love comes first and CAUSES behavior (health diet and exercise, say) rather than the other way around.

And the love extends beyond the local body - it's not personal at all.

The Course just invites us to focus on the mind which chooses fear or love, and to learn how to choose love more consistently. What happens in the body and world are evidence of the decision we're making, and allow us to re-calibrate as necessary.

The body is unconditionally part of our experience of the world - no body, no world, literally. The one brings the other forth. But again, our identity transcends both body and world. That's the suggestion. Nothing outside of us causes anything to happen to what we are in truth.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you for your thoughtful post. Love this idea - "order is the way stillness looks or appears in the context of separation." In my own studies recently the idea that the Holy Spirit translates perception, including the body, into a learning device or a medium of communication keeps coming my way. Do you have any posts about that?

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Thanks for reading and being here, Susanna. I don't know if any of these posts touch on this aspect of your study and practice, but maybe?





Thanks again, Susanna 🙏🙏


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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you!

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

I'm newish here, and I skip around a lot as I learn to navigate.. As you know, Sean--because you graciously commented on my comment--I happened onto your Aug. 22 2022 post earlier today. It's titled, "Stillness Is the End of Fear." This post and that one are perfect to read as one and illuminate one another. Just thought I'd mention this in case anyone else wants to go back to that one and take another look at it. https://seanreagan.substack.com/p/stillness-is-the-end-of-fear

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Thank you Nancy!

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Beautiful and thank you for your writings.

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Thanks for reading and sharing, Julie 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

I loved this post Sean, I agree totally with all you said. It is hard not to be dragged back into the world of the ego and its madness constantly with the world and its drama, but we can take heart that we will be gently lead back out of it if we are willing. That is all that is required, to be willing for the truth to arise in us again and this needs the mind to do it. The minute we show the willingness to give up the draw of the body, the ego, we can return our minds to peace and Love and know our truth lies here and not in the world of illusions.

Perfect reminder from the text Sean "Rather, it is about seeing what the body is in truth - e.g., just another aspect of experience - which naturally involves understanding that we are not bodies (W-pI.199.h).". So yes, we use the body but only to bring us back to the mind and the sanity of only Love.

As always thank you for expressing your understanding in such a lovely way.

Much Love as Always, Suzy x

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I love this phrase, Suzy: " . . . to be willing for the truth to rise in us again." And it does, inevitably. Thank you for being here, and for reading and sharing, Suzy. I am very grateful 🙏🙏



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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Just what I needed today, the Holy Spirit truly meets you where you’re at. How to respond and care for the body.

Stillness has been on my mind lately and the idea of order, that just makes sense.

This post helps me. As well as all your other pots have. Cool beans!

Thanks Brother

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You're welcome, Mike. Thanks for being here 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Very insightful perspective.I have never felt I was wasting time, pausing for some of your glimpse into Eternity.Blessings and graditude, dear Sean.

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Thank you - very grateful to share this space with you 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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