Nov 19, 2021Liked by Sean Reagan

I appreciated how you said if we view the world in terms of what it can give us, we are guaranteed unhappiness! So true and we learn this lesson every single day. And there was also the way in which you expressed that to separate the giving from the receiving - those who give and those who withhold as each separate entities rather than just receiving and giving as one - that spoke to my mind and heart. Reading this post helped me see how inclined we are to make lists of those who bless us and those who withhold from us and separate them in our heads instead of seeing them all as one. A personal example to illustrate this was this year when my birthday rolled around, there were those who remembered it and those who did not. And it was all one and the same because happy to have another birthday, I was so blessed overall that it simply did not matter if someone forgot or for one reason or other decided not to wish me well. I recognized how both the givers and the non-givers were one in a new way. It was very freeing because my mind was not fretting over the any possible spites involved or the sense of being unloved or forgotten, or the expectations and obligations that surround birthdays and other anniversaries in the world. And I could really enjoy the day exactly as it was. Thank you for sharing A Course in Miracles, Sean. I so appreciate your teaching and learning.

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Thank you for reading and sharing, Eckie. And for the kind words - I'm glad the posts resonate with you. And I love your story of letting go of who remembers and who forgets your birthday! Seeing everyone the same - holding them in the same light - is a true gift, both to ourselves AND to everyone else. There is so much peace that arises when we are able to let everything be, and trust God's Will. I wish it were it easier to remember this, but on the other hand, I am deeply grateful for fellow travelers with whom to learn. Thank you again!



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