I must be beautiful because that’s what I feel when I read your words 💕

You tireless remover of blocks!

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I love this! You ARE beautiful and so am I and so are we all! Man if we could only see that all the time and not forget it . . . Thanks for being here, Annie - I hope all is well.

~ Sean

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I sense a shyness in some Course students when it comes t talking abut the Holy Spirit. My experience is like yours, Sean, that the more you chat with the HS, the better the communication becomes. Like you, I check in constantly. "What do you think of my idea, Holy Spirit?" "Do you think I should do this?" "What would help the most people?" etc. One of the things the Course has (thank goodness) drilled into me is that there is not one single thing that is too small to ask or question or chat about with the HS. Our pride can get in the way of that--"Oh, I couldn't ask the HS about this hang nail. I'd be embarrassed to be so trivial." But the Course says there is no big or little, important or trivial when it comes to talking to our loving teacher, the HS. I love the HS and I'm so grateful to whatever it is. A secret few people discover is that when you talk to the HS a lot it is nearly impossible ever to be lonel or to feel unloved.. Thank you for giving me this chance to praise my best friend and brilliant teacher, the Holy Spirit.

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Thank you for sharing this, Nancy. The point about no big or small issues is really important - in part because in the end they all point to the same confusion. What am I in truth? The problem isn't answering that question (the answer is really really obvious) but getting all the static and distortion out of the way, at which the Holy Spirit excels, usually to the precise degree I'm ready to allow. I compare it to therapy but you actually remind me that's not the best analogy - the better analogy is teacher (per the course) and then also friend. No appointment necessary to talk to the Holy Spirit!

Thanks for being here, Nancy. I am always so happy when you share.

~ Sean

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You are so welcoming and that welcoming of yours reminds me of another important thing about relating with the Holy Spirit. We speak about our deepest thoughts where and with whom we feel safest, yes? It's clear we commenters feel that kind of safety here, where you have set the standard for it with your kindness and openness. And there's something else in this. . .if I feel myself hesitating to ask or tell the HS something, then I know that while that hesitation may not look like much, nevertheless, it's fear. And where there is fear, there is always ego. I actually look on my conversations with the HS as evidence of the fading importance to me of ego and thus, fear.. It's a good gauge, I think and it let's me know if I truly am dropping old egoic habits and building Holy habits.

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That was supposed to be "lonely," of course, but I'm happy for the error because now I get to say that I felt lonely for a few minutes on Thanksgiving morning last week and I couldn't remember the last time that happened! I really tried, too, but loneliness is 99.9% gone from my life now, because of the HS. The HS is the very best company to keep.

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Thank you for sharing this, too. It's true - when at last we are in relationship with the Holy Spirit, we are never alone.


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"...removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence." Yes. Thank you as always for your insights and beautiful writing.

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You're welcome, Heidi. Thank you for being here - it means a lot.

~ Sean

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Very helpful

Thanks Sean ❤️

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Beautiful article, Sean. It is a practise indeed, being with the Holy Spirit. Let's be aware that according to Jesus, this is an easy practise. Only if I make it difficult, it is not easy. I thought it was interesting to check what Jesus has to say on "easy", and got 42 hits on "easy" at https://www.miraclecenter.org/a-course-in-miracles/phpDig/search.php Check it out and have a blessed day!

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Thank you, Thijs 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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Great post! I am hoping you can 'spell' this out for me. You said, "We sit with the Holy Spirit and we work stuff out in dialogic exploration." So my former husband is psychologically cruel and mean to me..... so I could go into a meditation and ask the holy spirit to lead us and I think about the latest thing that has been said.... and I hand it up to the holy spirit and ask to be free of those thoughts. And if it comes back, I give it up to the holy spirit again. End? What else does the dialogue possibly look like?

I understand that my freedom comes in choosing the holy spirit over anything else and that I will find peace from doing that.


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Thanks for sharing Robyn.

I will use the example of my own work with my late father. I am more my father's son than I am anything else in this world, but it was a very conflicted - and often very painful - relationship.

When I bring something to the Holy Spirit I try to give a lot of space for the inquiry. I sit in darkness if possible, in a setting where I will not be interrupted. I am comfortable but alert. The posture arises out of zazen but what I do is NOT zazen.

I call to mind my father and the relationship. And then I sit with it.

I am mindful of two things when I do psychotherapy with the Holy Spirit: the first is that although it does not feel like what I am doing, when I look at my father (or my wife or my co-worker) I am going to learn that I am looking at myself.

The second thing I keep in mind is that whatever I feel NOW - at the beginning of the session - at the end, or some point soon after, going to remember that the secret to salvation is that I am doing this to myself.

What comes up? I offer the relationship to the Holy Spirit and say, what do you want me to see? I might say, I've got this anger or this confusion or this hurt - can we look at that? And sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it's no, we're going to look at this.

A big part of the practice is being careful not to judge what happens. I don't want to get in the way. I want to be receptive and open.

The Holy Spirit knows my father better than I do. The Holy Spirit knows me better than I do. This is true!

So a lot of interesting stuff can happen in that space. I've learned a LOT about my father's childhood, I've learned a lot about how he felt about male bodies, I've learned a lot about how he saw Jesus.

Like therapy, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Like therapy, sometimes it seems like I'm just going in circles. But Robyn I am telling you that sooner or later the healing just starts to flow and the whole relationship just . . . changes. It's incredible.

So that is a little bit about what I am saying. I do this a lot! I spend at least an hour a day in therapy with the Holy Spirit. It is an incredibly important and dynamic relationship in my life.

Does that make sense? A little?


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Thank you SO much this explanation. I congratulate you on spending an hour a day on this Holy Spirit therapy. For me it is really helpful to read about your practise and a good guide for me to follow. It is only between the Holy Spirit and me, plus another person/thought/idea. You are correct, the Holy Spirit knows me and whomever much better than I.

It is a good reminder that I am doing it to myself - because we are the only ones here. Good to understand this on a theoretical basis, even though it is huge to take in. But slowly, and surely, it will dawn on me in this spiritual world.

I am encouraged that even though you don't 'do' anything, (except put in the time), your results show up in time. I have to do this on blind faith, since I am still waiting for the holy spirit to help me hear/feel/sense/know. I do know the Holy Spirit is always there and willing to help... and I know I will get results.

ACIM is my path. Thanks again, Sean.


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You're welcome, Robyn. Thank you for being here. We are in this together 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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Seeing. Seeing from the head remains conceptual. Seeing, Allowing, Surrendering, Breathing into the Holy Now of my heart experiences one'Sacred self as Pure Divine Love/God.

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Thank you Sean again for your helpful reminder. The subtle difference in where to start explained by Tara Singh is a great tool, I often forget this and find myself entangled with ego thoughts trying to correct or discipline them. Thank you for another reminder, I will certainly try to remember it in my daily practice called my life! 😊

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The "daily practice called my life" is a beautiful and encompassing phrase. Thank you.

Yeah that nuance he discovers and makes actionable can be very helpful. It makes clear that healing is less about what's going to happen in the future and more about our ability to be clear and honest in the present.

He was not without flaws but I have learned so much reading and reflecting on his work.

Thanks for being here Aysin - I hope all is well.

~ Sean

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Thank you for being here, it is very comforting to connect with you and other fellow students of the Course 🙏🙏

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Oh yes Sean! It is the way we see it, and it is only when we see that truth, that we can choose another vision, the Holy Spirit's vision of it all.

I love walking this path with you too, because when I walk it with you I also walk it with Tara Singh, Krishnamurti, David Pearce and everyone that reads and comments. I feel a union with you all.

I know the Holy Spirit walks with each and everyone of us. He teaches the same lesson to all of us that only Love is real and that the way to Love is to forgive. We can't do it alone, so thank You for helping Me to remember this.

"Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. (M-24.6.)

Blessing and Love Always, Suzy. xxx

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