Mar 5Liked by Sean Reagan


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Mar 5Liked by Sean Reagan

One of your best pieces. Thank you for the reminder! 🫢🏻

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Mar 13Liked by Sean Reagan

When I wake up with the problem of "me," it is with great relief that I recognize that I am not a problem. That everything the ego would judge me for as being weak, ignorant, uncaring, and feckless, is simply not the way Holy Spirit defines me at all. I think of the Prodigal Son parable, and his joyful reception from his father when he arrived home, back from his forays in the world. The father did not define him by his mistakes, the father defined him as son. How silly he would be to sit in a dark corner and suck his thumb with his index finger wrapped around his nose and deny himself the feast that was prepared in his honor. I see that image when I am tempted to wallow in a sense of disgust and revulsion for all my failures and shortcomings. This article was so well-expressed. Thank you, Sean, for your continued blessings.

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Mar 8Liked by Sean Reagan

Hello Sean,

I am finding that there is an innocent perception that is there when I'm willing to let go of the weary worn out perception based on the past. The innocent perception shines away problems because their content is all the same--based on a false past or non existent future. This perception also allows for a warm blanket and a hug.

Thank you all for your help.


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Thank you for sharing with us and reminding us to share our healing in every moment of every day.

I wish I could imprint this in my mind "That is why healing is shared. When you remember what you are, you remember what I am at the same time." It is the only truth.

Love + Blessings, Suzy xxx

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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan

Hi Sean,

Thanks for another great post. This reminds me of an old Peanuts cartoon I remember from way back where Snoopy is sitting up on his doghouse shivering and teeth chattering in wintry, snowy weather. Lucy walks by and sees him and says, "Be ye warmed!" and keeps on walking.

That's kind of how I feel about times when I or someone else is really in pain or having a hard time and the response given from well-intentioned, 'spiritual' folk consists essentially of a platitude or a quoted passage from some text, be it Bible, Bhagavad Gita, or ACIM. Not that words can't help comfort or encourage but not nearly as much as a blanket when cold, or food when hungry.

The Truth will absolutely save us, set us free. But while we're on our way to it, I'm awfully grateful for my doctor or dentist, grocery store, and a hug from someone who loves me.

Keep sharing--it matters.


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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan

First, I must thank you for continously nudging me to revisit ACIM. It was your commentary that drew me to return to the Course. I still have one barricade I cannot cross, i.e. the "real" pain that I (WE) all experience...

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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan

This helps me remember immensely. Thank you. The "problems" pop up ceaselessly and the temptation to stress over them: the money manifests ever so slowly; the psoriasis re-appears; more hair thins out; CD sales dwindle to absurdity, vinyl production is sky-high; older age looks more bleak; fears of loneliness creep in... AI is on the loose. The dream seems drawn to Hitchcock again and again. Without the lessons, I would have been more lost thirty years ago but I persist to what I know in truth regardless of ego saying it is futile. Moments of peace come; situations heal. I remember to shut up the mind and its addiction to drama, its idols of form. Thank you.

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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you for helping us remember by reMinding us. I am doing β€˜this’ to myself and it is this I would undo . 🎢 with a little help from my Friend 🎢 Holy Spirit πŸ™πŸ» seems to be a long and winding road, yet with a little willingness the road is shortened. Thank you Sean

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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan

Another timely article ! I am a chronic fixer of myself, and others, it causes me such suffering. The following statement resonated deeply with me.... "Again, the secret to salvation is realizing that we are doing all of this to our own self (T-27.VIII.10:1). The miracle is stopping.". Thank you Sean πŸ™

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Mar 4Liked by Sean Reagan


Thanks sometimes I forget what I am you bring me back from the edge of the abyss my problems don’t lie in the world that I’ve made up and I know that, but sometimes I step over the line was great to read what you sent out this morning you know how much you mean to me thanks Jack

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