Sean relationships! My relationship was never smooth it was terrible at times,and I didn't know how to deal with it. I couldn't walk away from it because of my upbringing guilt and shame plus my family kept me in it not the proper ingredients for happiness? But we are told all things work together for good Deep down I believed that. And then something happened my wife was diagnosed with alzhemier's I was gutted and shamed as I looked on all the years of my blindness selfishness and hurtful behaviour. I looked at my wife with new eyes and saw love in her heart and instantly resolved to love her as I had never done. A miracle happened i loved and was loved How blind I had been. I sit here reading your post and feel so grateful for you Sean you're insight has helped me open my eyes to the truth

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Undoing specialness is grueling. I’m reading Tara Singh who points out that we live an overly externalized life with little true awareness--a body seeking sensation and gratification. Turning inward to an impersonal knowledge and God’s love to my ego feels mostly impossible.

But here you are reminding us, guiding us and loving us.

Today I remember, I need do nothing but gently let my gaze follow His.

Hope is coming for me.💕

Thank you.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

This post is really helpful, Sean. An aha with the psychotherapy concept. As I grow in "asking," and heal with the awe of peace-joy-freedom the Holy Spirit brings through correction... I truly see the mortar crumble around my blocks to Love.

Your inSpired writing make every Monday a Holy Day!💝

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Life is relationship then ACIM challenges how relationship is from (at) its very core. I've been finding that quite disturbing of late in that the distance between how ego views the world and how spirit does becomes more apparent in all relationship. There's a lot of internal hissy fitting and mood-swinging-as -defense as a result.

I've realised just how fragile this awareness of disparity is and how easily I swing from peaceful awareness to pricked ego at the slightest of challenges. Maybe this sensitivity is part of the journey, or maybe it's just little old me making excuses :-)

I woke up this morning with a deep sense of dread for no discernible reason. That mood followed me on the short drive to meet my client this morning. I really felt like turning the car round. But I didn't, I handed it over to spirit and got on with it. It turned out when I arrived at my client that he was caught up in something else and couldn't see me, so I arranged to see him on Friday. Turned home, walked the dog, felt some peace, felt some stillness. A miracle? I have no idea.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Hi Sean, thank you for this weeks read it was very thought provoking.

I have some questions...is it really possible to ask the ego the question what is it's rational for my pain? Also I'd love to find out what need is being met and what need is not being met, but I'm unsure how to do this. Could you please elaborate?

Best wishes, Saira 🙏

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Thank you. Even the 'best' of us have untrained minds: some part of that likes problems and is attracted to them, then analyzes and makes them more and more 'real'. It's part of that ball of seeking Specialness. I have to remind myself every hour as these appearances arise. It's a lot of Un-doing!

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Keep the message of God’s grace alive for me. Thank you.

Love Jack

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Another wonderful post Sean. I think you are right the Holy Spirit is the best therapist I can think of for He can undo our belief in the past in an instant. Most of us are afraid to do this of course, and so He takes it slowly, at a pace we can accept without fear.

And you are also right we don't need to do anything other that to be willing and to ask for Him to undo our belief in the mirror of separation. He will do it for us though, He will reverse cause and effect.

T28.4. Nothing at all has happened but that you have put yourself to sleep, and dreamed a dream in which you were an alien to yourself, and but a part of someone else’s dream. ²The miracle does not awaken you, but merely shows you who the dreamer is. ³It teaches you there is a choice of dreams while you are still asleep, depending on the purpose of your dreaming. ⁴Do you wish for dreams of healing, or for dreams of death? ⁵A dream is like a memory in that it pictures what you wanted shown to you.

We need only to remember to ask with every grievance, every difficult situation to know the Truth of yourself and everyone that walks with you, and that everybody are our companions on this journey until we all remember that only Love is real.

Thank you Sean, you are a gift, Love + Blessings Suzy xx

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Sean Reagan

Amen Brother! It's just so damn hard to remember to do nothing some days isn't it.......

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