Ticks and roaches too...lol...I'm onboard. So the real world we see around us can reflect the love we choose to see it with. The ego world of opposites is seen through ego eyes, not Christ-ened eyes.

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Yeah, gotta love the ticks and roaches - and they're not even the hardest :)

Love "Christ-ened eyes" - thank you 🙏

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Thank you for these wise words. I'm reminded of Saint Augustine's wisdom too; Love and do what you want.

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Thanks, Kirstie . . . Yes, Augustine . . . Recently this line of his crossed my path, someone used it as an epigraph for an essay I was reading: "I was not yet in love, yet I loved to love . . . I sought what I might love, in love with loving." We are made to love, and it is love which makes us happy :)

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Beautifully expressed, written, and shared. Thank you!

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Thank you for reading 🙏

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