Thanks for this Sean, an everyday story and example of what ego is and how it can play out in our everyday lives. This is a helpful reminder of how valuable being aware of one’s thinking is and the difference in a result there can be when we are present of mind; but it does take constant work and effort and I still squander too many opportunities to make good on this. I contemplate how much better off humanity would be if this were better known. Thanks for doing your bit too spread it around.

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I hear this, Tom. It is hard work. And I too am too tolerant of "mind-wandering," or squandering the many opportunities to remember peace. However, I have begun to realize lately that the chance to begin again - to choose again - is forever given. It's almost like the errors of the past aren't real :)

The other thing is the realization that I am not alone, but following a path with many friends - not leaders and followers but friends. I have become deeply grateful for that companionship, which transcends the miles that appear to separate us.

Thank you for your kinds words and for being here.



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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Great story Sean. For many years I would 'react' to a situation from my ego's perspective and it would never bring me peace but I didn't realize I had a choice. I now see that the ego's voice speaks first and if I can just wait a few seconds the Holy Spirit's voice within me will have the appropriate response. Thankfully, there are so many opportunities every day to make my practice stronger by taking a few seconds before blurting something out and letting the quiet voice within respond.

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Yes that willingness to just overlook ego's ranting and raving and allow the Holy Spirit to gently interject is so key . . . and yes to all the learning opportunities - they never go away :) Thanks for reading & sharing April . . . Glad you're here 🙏🙏

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Thanks for the wonderful sharing Sean. What you stated about your own moment is such an easy way to fall into the exact thing we don't want to. If I may I'd like to share something here, last night I felt encouraged to watch the movie "Amish Grace," it was about the man who opened fire on a bunch of Amish children while at school. My husband was watching it with me and he's heard me many times speak about forgiveness, love, God, ego, etc., so he knows a lot of the movies I watched whether intentionally or otherwise, somehow have these themes running through them.

As we watched, I was in awe at how the Amish, the very parents of those children just killed earlier that day were able to extend forgiveness to the shooter as well as go to his wife and children and let them know they held no hatred for him but would do as God commanded and forgive their neighbor so they too could be forgiven. The non-Amish people couldn't believe this could be because there was no hatred, no animosity, just deep hurt, loss but still they managed to all attend his funeral to offer love, support and forgiveness to his wife and children while her entire church congregation did not attend the service.

I could see that my husband understood why I was drawn to watch it but I felt a certain type of way when he said "I guess if you're raised that way from a child and they are simple people, then that's what you do." My gut reaction was "What??" Forgiveness has a place, people, lifestyle? So while everything inside me wanted to discuss/debate what was just said, I replied by saying, "I know it looks crazy hard for some and yet they really did make it look so simple, and I loved when they said "how does the hate feel" to the little girl who still wanted to hate the man who killed her sister, and she said "not good."

I continued by saying that I recall so many times when it never felt good either. So I understand what you're sharing here that even those simple moments like running late, watching a movie, cooking dinner, going for a walk can raise all kinds of thoughts that the ego considers a problem, but when we recognize it for what is happening in the moment, we don't have to feed it and sure enough, it goes away. I fell asleep with the greatest prayer to be able to see life/people/situations as these people did, through the eyes of God and honor that despite their children being killed, and a wife threatening to leave the entire community because she could not forgive in the same way/timeframe that her husband and others had.

I even came to understand that when they "shun" someone, it is not because they don't love and forgive them, but they liken it to not hanging out with a thief, those who do drugs, or kill or anything else you don't want to become part of so when "English" people as they were referred to tried to introduce pictures, technology, etc., and an Amish person is drawn to these things, they have a choice whether to return or remain "of the world."

I found it very profound and I know my job is not to project my feelings onto my husband but I could feel immediately when he said what he did, which in reality was simply what he saw in the movie, I wanted to defend what I perceived as being the "real" message, but I didn't, at least not in that way. I answered what he asked, explained what I took away and said that I hoped one day I too could have anything in the world happen to me, those around me, or the world at large and forgive them so immediately as the Amish had done, and he was fine with this and said he knew that is what my wish would be. All was well and that was it.

As you said Sean it's important to be vigilant because it shows up when we are not even aware it's popped its head out for another go at it! Yikes!!!

Thank you again dear friend and brother for being that light in the tunnel, and I hope to be that for you and all as well in whatever ways possible. Blessings eternal, much love to you and your entire family and the entire world, no exceptions.

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Thank you, Anna. Your last phrase - "no exceptions" - is like the cornerstone on which our whole forgiveness practice rests. It is the ability to separate someone - to say this person, or this act, or this experience is so bad that even God will condemn it - that closes us off to peace. We keep one tiny part isolated and the whole house of cards comes down because we've made an exception. The Amish (really all the peace churches in the Christian tradition) understand this very well.

It reminds me of this related passage from the ACIM Text:

"To teach the whole Sonship without exception demonstrates that you perceive its wholeness, and have learned that it is one. Now you must be vigilant to hold its oneness in your mind because, if you let doubt enter, you will lose awareness of its wholeness and will be unable to teach it" (T-6.V.C.8:1-2).

Thank you for reading and sharing Anna. I'm glad you're here 🙏🙏



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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Sometimes I save your posts when they come in for a time when I can give it the space that it’s due. It’s a nice present to receive. Thank you

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You're welcome, Johan . . . thank you for reading & being here.

🙏 Sean

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Thanks, Suzy 🙏

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan


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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

A loving example of lovingness untangling itself. Thanks as always Sean.

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You're welcome, Lei. Thanks for being here 🙏🙏

~ Sean

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

I appreciate this writing!! Thank you!

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Sean Reagan

Amen Brother! Thanks for making me laugh Sean.....sometimes I think we live the same life!

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I'm grateful for the good company! 🙏🙏

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Your posts are always right on time for me. Thank you.

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You're welcome, Monica 🙏 No accidents in salvation! Thank you for being here.

~ Sean

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